Building this blog with Jekyll

June 21st, 2020. Updated August 2, 2020

I started using Jekyll in high school for a blog that I needed for a class project. I had a number of complaints about it, namely that the syntax to do anything complicated is nearly unintelligible to me, so I naturally decided to leave Jekyll behind for my new blog. I looked into other SSGs, but Hugo and Gatsby didn’t seem like they had what I wanted either. So I set out to build my own.

I managed to make a simple SSG in 186 lines of Javascript, split across two files. I was pretty happy with myself, because I liked knowing exactly what my code was doing but I quickly realized that I had two problems.

  1. Processing files one at a time meant that I couldn’t auto-generate index files, lists of posts, or pages.
  2. I had used my existing knowledge of Jekyll as a base for the design of post metadata (YAML frontmatter) and sitewide configuration variables. I realized my time would have been better spent simply learning to use Jekyll more effectively.

Realizing that I need not reinvent the wheel, I migrated my budding blog to Jekyll (which was really easy because I was already using a pretty similar format). I chose not to use a theme at all, because I want a site that is uniquely mine. Instead, I went for the old fashioned HTML-and-CSS route, inspired by and its ilk.

I started with a very nice drop in stylesheet called Water.css, and did some updating to make it better suit a blog. I also added a few classes for use on some pages, but the styles on this site are still mostly classless.

Next, I used Adobe Color to pick new theme colors that I like a bit better than the Water.css defaults.

Since I’m working in HTML, I also wrote each of the index pages by hand. The landing page with my face on it is based on the Coder theme for Hugo, my about page is laid out as a post and the everything else page is a table under the hood. Pages that have a list of posts, like /blog use Jekyll’s liquid templating features to enumerate and filter posts at build time.

For analytics I decided on Goat Counter, a barebones analytics script that’s pretty privacy friendly.

Since I have yet to need any fancy Jekyll plugins or features, I’m able to use GitHub pages to host this site super easily. I don’t even have to build it locally, just push to the master branch of the repository for this site.

To abide by copyright laws, I chose the fonts for my site from Google Fonts’ collection of Open Font License fonts, and used their plug-and-play hosted option. I liked fonts Bitter and Inter (I actually liked Bitter so much when I first saw it I decided to update my website just so I could use it).

After getting everything up and running, I realized that Google Fonts was the main bottleneck for my site’s initial loading performance, so I decided to selfhost the two fonts I use too. This turned out to be slightly more complicated than I expected, but there’s a really good guide on selfhosting fonts on Tune The Web.

I’d also gotten suckered in to Inter’s alternate numbers (with a flat upper line on the 3 instead of a curly one). I only needed one set of numbers, so I tried to use FontSquirrel’s webfont generator to flatten it into the main font, but that feature seemed broken when I tried it. I ended up editing the font myself using FontForge and using the FontTools Python Library to subset the modified font with the Unicode range Google fonts uses for Latin: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD. Then I used Transfonter to generate the CSS @font-face rules to make everything work together.

Once I had the minified font files and their corresponding CSS rules, I added the rules to my stylesheet and preload links to HTML head of my pages. Now I only have a limited glyph set, but I’m not sure it’s a problem. I did cut about a quarter of a second off my initial load time, though.

So far, I have yet to encounter any problems with this setup, but I also haven’t started on some of the more advanced features that I might want, like tagging and pagination (which I understand are possible to implement with Jekyll, but might require me building the site locally).

The full source of this website is available on GitHub. I still have a few things to implement, though, like SEO tagging, a favicon, breadcrumb links on pages, and some more posts.